County Day 2024

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Girlguiding Worcestershire County Day 2024


(Bookings close on Monday 30th September)

Come and join us for ‘Keeping in Touch – County Day 2024. A great event to keep in touch with old friends and make new ones. An occasion to ensure you are keeping in touch with new developments and opportunities within Guiding both locally and nationally. Our vision is that Keeping in Touch will support you to continue to develop your Guiding knowledge and skills through a variety of sessions led by Midlands Region Trainers and other professionals, within a welcoming, friendly environment. If you have never been to County Day before, we really encourage you to give it a go and we very much look forward to seeing you there.

Date:  Saturday 19th October 2024

Time:  09:15 – 15:30

Location:  Christopher Whitehead Language College, Bromwich Road, Worcester. WR2 4AF

Young Leaders are very welcome, so we ask if you will please let them know about this event. This year, there is specific training for them on the new Young Leaders Development Programme and we will be having a ‘Young Leaders’ hub, where Young Leaders across the County can meet up together.

We have again included in this year’s programme a selection of the mandatory sessions for leaders in training working on the Leadership Development Programme.  However, all volunteers are welcome to attend these sessions, as a useful refresher.

If you have any additional requirements that will help to improve your experience of the day, please do let us know on the booking form.


Frequently asked Questions

What are the times for the day ?

9:15 – 9:30     Registration / Coffee and hot pastries
9:30 – 9:45    Welcome
9:45 – 11:15     Session 1
11:15 – 11:45     Morning Break
11:45 – 13:15    Session 2
13:15 – 14:15    Lunch
14:15 – 15:30   Session 3
15:30                Close

*During lunchtime there will be lots of stalls and displays to peruse and an opportunity to chat with County Advisers, Team Leaders and Trefoil Guild. Girlguiding Worcester Division Depot will be on site.

Can I come for only part of the day?

Yes, that’s absolutely fine, we are fully flexible. Come for the full day, morning only or afternoon only

Please note that if you are attending 1st Response, you will need to attend all three sessions, and for A Safe Space Level 3 both morning sessions, if you wish to complete the course.

What is the cost?

There is no charge, the event is funded by Girlguiding Worcestershire

Do I need to bring my own refreshments?

Please bring your own packed lunch. Hot and cold drinks will be provided however, it would be helpful if you could please bring a refillable cup with you. If you do forget your lunch, there is a local supermarket nearby. Please ask at reception if you need directions.

What shall I wear?

Please wear uniform, if you have one.

Do I need to bring anything with me?

A notebook and pen may be useful. Refillable cup (if you have one). Any additional items for specific sessions will be sent by separate email.

Why are some session choices showing as full?

Sessions do have limited spaces and are filled on a first come-first served basis. Some sessions are repeated, so hopefully you should get your first choice on most occasions.

How do I remember what I have chosen.

You should receive a confirmation email of the choices you have made. Please print or make a note of your choices and bring this with you on the day.

Who do I contact if I have a question or need to change or cancel my booking?

Please contact Yvonne at


Trainings :

Training Description
09.45 – 11.15 SESSION 1
1st Response (Module 1) Please note this session will start at 09.15 hours
Module 1 is the mandatory “in person” training element of the 1st Response Course, covering Life Support. 
Finance and Budgeting An LDP mandatory session however, suitable for all volunteers
Looking at how to effectively manage your Unit accounts. To include budgeting, maintaining good records, together with submitting your year-end accounts.
A Safe Space Level 3 Session 1 and Session 2
This is a 3-hour session (over both morning sessions) for those who prefer to complete this course face to face.  After this training, you will be able to be the person at unit meetings with the A Safe Space Level 3.
Understanding Neurodiversity This session focuses on recognising the different ways our brains work and how we can give all members a positive experience, from modifying activities to understanding behaviour.
Risky Business An LDP mandatory session however, suitable for all volunteers
A session to provide guidance and support to create and use risk assessments to ensure a safe environment for all your guiding activities and to be able to recognise unsafe situations.
Young Leaders A session just for Young Leaders.
Help with how to go about working on the Young Leader Qualification and ideas for some activities for you to do in your unit.
Communication skills and honest conversations An opportunity to explore different communication skills/styles, to support positive interaction between leaders and parents/carers, the unit leadership team and district/division teams. Getting over the barrier to having those honest conversations
Trash to Games Looking to keep your unit costs down? A fun session making games using items from your recycling or rubbish bin!
Branding Help on how to use the new branding. An opportunity to find out how to produce unit resources and find your way around the Girlguiding online print centre.
Cooking without a kitchen No kitchen? No problem!  Ideas for you to use in your unit to help girls have fun with food, that can be done by the whole unit, whether you have access to a kitchen or not.
Fun in the Unit
Games and activities for Brownies that aren’t on the programme cards, for when you want to do something different.
Outdoor activities for Rainbows A selection of outdoor activities to try out with your Rainbows
11.45 – 13.15 SESSION 2
1st Response (Module 2) Module 2: Trauma and injury.
Includes dealing with Shock, Bleeding, Fractures and sprains, Head injury, Dental incidents, and Burns.
A Safe Space Level 3
(Session 2)
A continuation of Session 1. This is a 3-hour session (over both morning sessions) for those who prefer to complete this course face to face.  After this training, you will be able to be the person at unit meetings with the A Safe Space Level 3.
Fun in the Unit
Games and activities for Guides that aren’t on the programme cards, for when you want to do something different.
Fun in the Unit
Games and activities for Rainbows that are not ‘on the programme cards’.  Expand your stock of games and activities to fill those odd gaps.
GO for Unit Leaders A session to develop your skills in using GO, including running reports, updating girls programme achievements, together with accessing and using the Learning Platform.
Understanding Neurodiversity This session focuses on recognising the different ways our brains work and how we can give all members a positive experience from modifying activities to understanding behaviour.
Interested in becoming a Mentor? Would you like to be able to help new leaders working on the Leader Development programme?   This session on mentoring will help you do this.
Social Media Information to help you find your way around social media.  Which platforms do your girls and parents use, and how you can utilise them to help with communication
Trash to “Christmas Crafts” Try out a selection of inspirational “Christmas crafts” focusing on using items often to be found in your recycling or rubbish bin!
Cooking without a kitchen No kitchen? No problem!  Ideas for you to use in your unit to help girls have fun with food, that can be done by the whole unit, whether you have access to a kitchen or not.
Celebrating every member An LDP mandatory session however, suitable for all volunteers
Examine the possible diversity of needs of girls and volunteers in the unit. Recognise examples of inclusive decision making and leadership. Develop ways to adapt activities and meetings so everyone can have a great guiding experience. Know which forms can be used to support girls and volunteers.  Learn how to support young members and volunteers and how to report incidents of discrimination
Outdoor activities with Brownies A selection of outdoor activities to try out with your Brownies
14.15 – 15.30 SESSION 3
1st Response (Module 3) Module 3: Major Illness
Includes Asthma, Anaphylaxis, Heart attack, Stroke, Seizures, Diabetes, Sepsis/Meningitis.
Gift Aid Would you like to be able to claim gift aid on your subs, to increase your income?  This session will tell you how to go about doing this.
Festivals and Celebrations Would you like ideas about how to use the calendar to give unit meeting possibilities? A session full of ideas on how to do this.
Fun in the Unit
Activities for Rangers that are not based on the programme cards, for when you need a fun session.
Fun in the Unit
Games and activities for Brownies that aren’t on the programme cards, for when you want to do something different.
Making the programme work for you Does it seem difficult to do the activities on the programme cards? Here are some tips and advice and how to tweak the programme to make it work for your unit.
Diversity and Inclusion How we can focus making guiding a welcoming space for both adult and young members.
Going Away With Are you planning to take your girls on a residential in the next few months?  This session will look at some of the things you need to know before you start to plan.
Doing our best   An LDP mandatory session however, suitable for all volunteers
This session will give you a better understanding of the Doing Our Best standards and show you how you can use them as a framework to review, celebrate and improve what you do in your own units.
Using GO A session to develop your skills in using GO, to help you in your guiding role.
Air and Share
Young Leaders
Come and meet members of the County team.  An opportunity to share programme and activity ideas and experiences with other Young Leaders from across the County.
Outdoor activities with Guides A selection of outdoor activities to try out with your Guides.
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