Peer educators are 14-to-25 year olds who help Brownies, Guides and Rangers explore important topics.

As young people, they use their own experience to bring the subject to life.

 Find out more about Peer Education here

Are you aged 14-25 and would like to know more about becoming a Peer Educator ?

You can find out by completing our Introduction to Peer Education e-learning.

It explains the role of a peer educator and is the first step to being trained up.

Residential trainings to become a Peer Educator are currently unavailable we but are hoping to plan a few trainings to become a Peer Educator throughout the Midlands.

More information for this will be put on this website when available.

Are you a Unit Leader that would like to include Peer Education in your programme ?

Peer educators can deliver age-appropriate sessions on Think Resilient, Free Being Me, Breaking Free, Healthy Relationships and Youth Health.

Find out how to request a peer educator to come and run a session with your Brownie, Guide, Rangers or Senior Section unit.

Bookings can also be made through GO or contact our Peer     Co-ordinator, Beck, on