Learning and Development

As a county, we offer many opportunities for training our members.

To find out the upcoming trainings and their dates, please visit the Training Diary.

We also offer tiered training awards called  ‘Pear Awards’ to those who attend our training sessions.

To find out more and download the application form here.

Learning & Development Co-ordinator

Yvonne Eaton

Arranges Trainers and Trainings

If you would like a training arranged please contact learning.development@girlguidingworcs.org.uk

Leadership Development Co-ordinator


Arranges & co-ordinates mentors

Supports and verifies new Leadership Programme

If you would like to become a mentor please contact LQ.Coordinator@girlguidingworcs.org.uk

Commissioner Co-ordinator

Esther Anstey

Co-ordinates Commissioners

and Team Leaders

Allocates mentors, inductions and training


Safer Guiding Training

Safer guiding is our safeguarding training and will help you to:

Understand your role in safeguarding and what to do.

Learn about our approach to health and safety and your responsibilities.

Find out all about data protection and what you need to do.

Include everyone.

There are 2 types of safer guiding training – safer guiding and safer guiding basics. The one you’ll do will be based on your role.

A a full list of which volunteers need to do this training please click here

If you have any contact with girls you’ll need to do the safer guiding course.

This has 4 topics and replaces a safe space levels 1, 2 and 3.

This e-learning takes about 3 hours and is divided into smaller modules. It’s designed for you to dip in and out of and it’ll save your progress along the way. We wouldn’t recommend completing this all in one go but make sure you allow plenty of time to complete it before your deadline.

At the end of each of the 4 topics there’s a quiz for you to do. You must pass each quiz to complete the course.

If you prefer to complete a trainer-led session instead of the e-learning, you can book this through the learning platform. These sessions take around 4-5 hours.

For those without direct contact with girls

You’ll need to do safer guiding basics – a shorter version of the safer guiding training. It’s required instead for a small number of non-girl-facing roles.

This takes around 45 minutes to complete and there’s no quiz attached to it.

You can complete the training on the learning platform.

First Response

These are organised and are run locally as well as through the regions and GGHQ. Please speak to our Learning & Development Co-ordinator or your Division Training Rep about booking onto a course or visit our Training Diary.  

For a full list of First Response trainings arranged for 2025 please see at bottom of page

There are three options available to complete 1st Response:

  • E-learning and a full, six hour day of in-person training

  • E-learning and three lots of two hour in-person training dates

  • E-learning and three lots of two hour sessions. Session 1 must be delivered in-person, sessions 2 and 3 are delivered as a webinar.

Thinking of taking your Going Away Licence?

You will find everything that you need to know about this on our Residential Pages

County First Response and GO Trainings 2025

22 Mar 25First Response 6 hour course from 09.30Alderman and Tay Scout and Guide HQ, Hagley
13 Apr 25First Response 6 hour course from 09.30Upton upon Severn Scout and Guide HQ
16 Jun 25Virtual course from 7pmVia zoom
21 Jun 25First Response 6 hour course from 09.30St Chad's Church Hall. Kidderminster
28 Aug 25First Response 6 hour course from 09.30Droitwich Guide Hut
21 Sep 25First Respnse 6 hour course from 09.30Headless Cross Scout and Guide HQ, Redditch